Friday, October 26, 2007

One Precious Year

One year has passed since we returned from Indonesia in October 2006. The past year has been one precious year of journeying with the Lord and each other. We have had much time to reflect, learn to wait and discern God’s will, adjust to the joys and challenges of having Kezia with her allergies and skin condition, and enjoy being with Grandma and Grandpa. We have no doubt that the Lord has seen it necessary to use this past year as a big time of preparation for the ministry He has for us ahead. And God has put us under the care of some of the most godly and loving people during this time of much learning: Grandma and Grandpa. We are so grateful for the way Grandma and Grandpa have cared for us and emulated to us God-honoring ways to live. Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa!

San Jose Here We Are!!!

After three long months of candidating with San Jose Canaan Christian Church (SJCCC), the church extended an invitation to Jay to become their first English Pastor. Both we and the church family sensed God’s guidance for us to serve at SJCCC for this season. God has confirmed that to us in various ways during this past month. We have been excited to have our new home in San Jose, and sad at the same time for saying good-bye to Grandma and Grandpa! We thank God that finally He sees fit for us to begin serving Him at SJCCC and the San Jose community. We feel humbled, as we can do nothing on our own, but the Lord is privileging us by working through us to build His church.

We live approximately 15-20 minutes from the church, in a Vietnamese and Hispanic concentrated area. All the furniture we have for our new home has been generously supplied by church members and their friends, and all in great condition. We thank the Lord for His provisions. Next to our complex, there are numerous Vietnamese and Mexican restaurants and markets. We are loving being here.

Lucy joins a Bible study group with Bible Study Fellowship International at a church nearby. It starts in Sept and ends in May. The wonderful thing about BSF International is that Lucy gets to dig deep into God’s Word, and Sammy and Livi also get to attend a preschool level bible class at the same time in the same place. And without any fees.

Jay is beginning to get into a routine with the ministry. The church does not have any office yet. There is an old small house in front of the church building which is not being used currently. The plan is to turn that house into two offices and a classroom. This building project is scheduled to next week and be finished by the end of November. Jay is looking forward to have an office, together with the pastor of the Taiwanese Congregation.

Two Very Special Birthdays

Precious Kezia turned one on the day we flew to San Jose, September 19. And Sammy turned five a few days later. We celebrated both birthdays with Grandma and Grandpa a few days before we flew out to San Jose. It was very special. Grandma made a castle birthday cake, as requested by Sammy. Kezia was not allowed to have any cake due to her milk allergy. She was still as happy as can be. And So Precious! Since Kezia is beginning to love more textured/table foods, Lucy has been trying out various recipes which substitute cow’s milk with soy milk. It is fun to be able to finally feed her the food we eat. Kezi has been loving it, too.

Our first Sunday at SJCCC was Sammy’s birthday. Sammy was given a surprise birthday party after lunch which followed the church service. Sammy was still a little shy, being his first time at the church, but beaming with delight. He received a huge box of Legos. Both Sammy and Livi have been building all kinds of things with the Legos. We were very touched and thankful. Livi continues to love being at church almost the whole day on Sundays. So does Sammy. There is a playground right outside their Sunday School room. And many big sisters and aunties who love to play with them.

Praises & Prayers

Praise the Lord for His:

1. Bountiful grace and strength that carry us through the past month of transition.

2. Abundant provisions.

3. People (all of you) who have been lifting us up in prayers and made such a difference in our lives.

Please pray for His:

1. Guidance as we look for a Christian School for Sammy and Livi.

2. Healing for Kezi’s milk and peanut allergies.

3. Spirit’s anointing on the ministry to the English congregation of SJCCC.

4. Protection over all aspects of our lives as we serve Him.

To God Be the Glory!