Friday, September 15, 2006

A Great Reversal

We have just recently made the stunning decision to decline the position of Associate Pastor at JIBC and ultimately to head back to the U.S.A. Our decision has come as the result of a long process of discernment as to whether or not God is calling us to live and serve in the Jakarta area. Our reasons for coming to Indonesia from the beginning have been to deliver our third baby, to be closer to Lucy's family, and to discern God's plan for us regarding a new church home and ministry. We have strongly sensed God leading us to be here during this time. However, in spite of pressing forward and holding on to hope regarding our future in this area, Lucy has had an increasing sense that she is not meant to live here in Indonesia. Though we love and cherish our family here, and have greatly enjoyed JIBC, due to Lucy's struggle we feel compelled to move on. We have felt that Lucy's realization about not wanting to live here after years of looking forward to it effectively releases us from a perceived call to this area. Ironically, the way everything has worked out here seems to confirm that to us. Now we feel free to serve the Lord wherever he may be leading us. Right now, it looks like we will be back in the States.

We don't really know what God has in store for us, but we trust that he has a plan. We have greatly appreciated all of your prayers and support for us all along the way. Please continue praying for us as we seek God further for the next step on our journey.


At 1:57 PM, Blogger Stewarts said...

Well, Praise the Lord!
It isn't just the destination, but the journey that is so important. It reminds me of Thomas Edison - he said he learned thousands of ways not to invent the lightbulb. Now you can be sure that Indonesia is not where you are supposed to be long term. And now we get to see you sooner than later! Yeah!
We love you all and look forward to seeing you again soon. Come on, Kezia!
Love, Jill


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