If this had happened in the US, I could retire after litigation...
Just a funny story to recount. It's not even too funny yet, but undoubtedly will be soon. No doubt now for the rest of you.
Last night we set out picking up a few friends and relatives by car in order to head off to a family dinner at a local restaurant. After an hour or so in the car making the rounds, it begins to rain. By this time it is also dark, and by the time we get to the restaurant, the rain has become a heavy downpour. After we park, since we do not want to wait forever, we venture out of the car. We have only one puny little umbrella for the 7 of us (5 seat sedan, mind you). And since I am the only one who can actually get out of the car, thus how tightly we were parked, it was my task to shuttle persons one at a time from the car to the covered sidewalk via miniature umbrella . By the time I am done, I am near completely soaked. Nevertheless, we have made it, so we head down the sidewalk to the restaurant.
Bemoaning my soakedness, I do not notice that the sidewalk is holy. I mean holey. One small step out into thin air, and I plunge 5 ft down into a hole in the sidewalk. What it in the world! I don't know what it was, maybe a trash recepticle or wannabe sewage dump. Fortunately the bottom was relatively dry, though a little squishy. I pull myself out and begin noticing the pain. I have a huge cut on one leg and numerous scrapes and bruises to boot. Ten minutes after being treated by many helpful hands and a first aid kit, we proceed to our quite enjoyable dinner of all-you-can-eat steamboat.
Fortunately, it wasn't one of the kids who dropped in. Even more so, Lucy, eight months pregnant. Lesson learned: Some days are really good...